How To Tell If You Need A New Air Conditioner

March 30, 2021

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    What are the signs of a failing air conditionerModern ACs are a truly wonderful invention. They’re extremely reliable, provide unparalleled comfort during spring, summer, and even winter, and cost far less than equivalent models used to cost 20 or 30 years ago.

    However, no machine lasts forever, and air conditioners are no exception. Eventually, normal wear and dirt buildup will cause your AC to malfunction in some way, or become inefficient to the point where keeping it is no longer financially viable. 

    But how can you tell when it’s time to replace your air conditioner? What are some telltale signs of an AC at the end of its life? How much does AC replacement cost in Chandler, Arizona? Keep reading to learn the answers to these questions. 

    What are the signs of a failing air conditioner?

    According to the US Department of Energy, the average life expectancy for a central air conditioning system is between 10 and 15 years, assuming they receive annual servicing and are properly prepared for the current season. 

    If your AC is 15 years old or older, it may be a good idea to replace it even if it isn’t obviously faulty, simply because newer models offer superior features and increased energy efficiently even during the winter months. 

    Here are 5 signs you should replace your AC:

    1. Your current AC uses R-22 Freon

    The federal government has phased out the production of Freon at the start of 2020. While this popular refrigerant can still be added to your air conditioning system if necessary, it’s simply not worth the high price tag. For this reason, it’s more cost-effective to simply switch to a different cooling system.

    2. Your air conditioner is constantly breaking down

    Old ACs are similar to old cars in that they tend to malfunction frequently and require frequent repairs. If your AC has gotten to this stage, it’s probably better for your wallet to replace it rather than to keep wasting time and money on repairs. 

    3. It’s not doing its job

    If you’re not getting cold or warm air when you turn on the cooling or heating mode on your AC, or the cooling just isn’t as effective as it used to be, you may be dealing with faulty wiring or even refrigerant leaks. Call a licensed HVAC technician to check the unit and advise you whether you should repair or replace it.

    4. There’s moisture around your AC

    Seeing some condensation around your indoor AC unit is normal. However, if you spot water stains on the walls or puddles under the air conditioner, your condensate line may be faulty. This can usually be repaired by an experienced technician, but not always. If it’s the latter, you’ll have to get a new AC.

    5. Bad or otherwise unusual odors

    An indoor AC unit should never give off unpleasant odors. If this is the case with your air conditioner, you’re probably dealing with severe underlying issues and potentially very expensive repairs, to the point where it’s better to just purchase a new unit.

    Where can I get a first-rate AC replacement at an affordable cost?

    Where can I get a first-rate AC replacement at an affordable costPicture the following scenario: you’ve just enjoyed a hot summer afternoon at the Hamilton Aquatic Center with your loved ones. You arrive home, eager to cool down after spending hours in the heat, only to discover that your AC has suddenly died or is unable to cool your home properly. 

    A frustrating situation, right? Here at Hughes Air, we’d like to make sure you never experience anything like it by providing you with the very finest HVAC repair, maintenance, and installation services in Chandler, Arizona. Contact us today.