Air Conditioning & Cooling: What’s the Problem?

August 30, 2019

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    A malfunctioning air conditioner is not only an inconvenience, but also a possible cause of increased electricity bills and reduced energy efficiency. If you notice that your unit is running without cooling your home, having your AC system repaired is essential. 

    Once you contact your trusted AC professionals, they will carefully inspect your unit and identify the cause of the problem. If they determine that your unit has become really worn out, they may suggest that investing in a new AC system is more profitable than repairing the old one. In this case, you need to get the best air conditioner Gilbert, AZ has to offer. 

    However, to prevent the same problems with your new system or fix your old one, you need to know a bit more about AC troubleshooting. This will enable you to minimize the risk of future malfunctions and ensure the optimal performance of your AC. 


    Shading & Covering Your AC: All You Need to Know

    August 30, 2019

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      How can we help?

      An air conditioning unit is an essential household component that enables you to create a cozy, comfortable home. So, a great number of homeowners tries to optimize its performance and maximize its efficiency. From booking unmatched air conditioning installation in Gilbert, AZ to properly repairing and protecting your AC system, there are plenty of things you can do to achieve this. 

      Yet, one of the common questions that homeowners have is whether covering or shading their units can have any effects on its functioning. 

      Will shading air conditioner help?

      As you already know, your AC system contains an indoor and outdoor element. The outside component is called the condensing unit and it’s in charge of absorbing the heat from your home interior and releasing it outside. During scorching summer days, the unit may need more energy to function, which may lead to an increase in electricity bills. 

      So, people often think that shading the condensing unit can help them reduce their bills by relieving pressure from their AC system. However, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:

      • Improper shading can restrict the AC airflow, preventing it from functioning properly or even damaging your unit. 
      • Planting trees around your AC to provide it with shade may expose it to debris, leaves, branches, and dirt, which can cause some problems such as clogged air filters. 
      • Building certain structures around your AC may protect it from direct solar exposure, but high temperature levels can still hinder its performance. 
      • Shading and insulating your entire home can help you achieve even better results and increase your energy savings in the long run. 
      • Consulting with your AC contractors beforehand is highly advisable because they can give you expert advice on how to properly protect your unit. 

      Should I cover my AC unit in the summer?

      Homeowners also wonder whether covering their unit in the summer is a good idea and how it can affect their system. However, it’s important to stress that you need to be careful when covering your AC and follow a few important tips.

      • Don’t cover your unit in the summer. Instead, you should do it immediately after the summer to protect it from leaves, dirt, and debris that can clog its components in the fall. 
      • Don’t cover the entire unit. The protective cover should be placed just over the top and six inches to the sides. Otherwise, you’ll trap moisture inside and risk causing a problem. 
      • Choose the right cover. Using a plastic cover to protect your AC system can trap moisture inside. This may lead to the corrosion of the electrical components. Instead, consider using a breathable cover such as canvas or something that can absorb the dripping water. 
      • Protect it in the winter. Covering your unit in the winter can protect it from debris, ice, and other possible hazards. 
      • Consult with your contractors. It’s generally not advisable to cover your AC unit since the system is already designed to withstand unfavorable weather conditions. If you still believe you can benefit from doing so, make sure to seek advice from your technicians. 
      • Schedule regular maintenance. Regular AC maintenance is advisable regardless of whether you cover your AC system or not. However, you may want to have your unit checked more frequently if you decide to cover it. 

      Our air conditioning installation experts in Gilbert, AZ guarantee quality

      Has your AC stopped cooling your home? Just give us a call and we’ll fix the problem in a heartbeat! Here at Hughes Air, we provide outstanding AC installation and other related services to our neighbors in Gilbert, AZ. You can count on us to set up your system perfectly, optimize its performance, and help you turn your home into a cozy haven. 

      When rendering our services, we strive to maintain a consistent level of quality and ensure complete customer satisfaction. What’s more, we’re so efficient that you’ll even have time to relax in Freestone Park after we get the job done. Contact us today and see why we’re the leading experts in the area!

      Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On? Here’s Why

      August 1, 2019

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        Bearing the sizzling summer heat isn’t easy, especially if you live in Arizona. In fact, most people would feel utterly lost without their trusted air conditioners. Unfortunately, the worst-case scenario will happen to all of us from time to time: the AC simply won’t turn on! 

        Why does that happen? What do you do when your AC isn’t working? Read on to find out what could be causing your AC to malfunction and what you can do about it. 

        Of course, many AC-related issues may only be handled by experienced HVAC professionals. If you’re experiencing problems with your unit, it’s always best to reach out to the leading AC repair in Scottsdale, AZ and let seasoned technicians fix your AC with unrivaled professionalism, making sure it works as good as new once again. 

        How do I turn on the AC in my house?

        Sometimes, resolving the issue that’s preventing you from turning on your AC is as simple as checking if your thermostat has power. If it does, then another simple fix might do the trick: make sure that your thermostat is in cool mode. If it’s set to heat and the set thermostat value is higher than the room temperature, your air conditioner won’t turn on. 

        In case that doesn’t work, try setting the temperature 5 °F below the current room temperature to check if your unit goes back to normal. If it’s still no good, that means that the thermostat settings are in order and you’re dealing with a different issue.  

        Why won’t my AC turn on in my house?

        If your AC unit still won’t turn on even though it has power, is in cool mode and is set at a temperature that’s at least 3 degrees lower than the room temperature, then the culprit may be one of the following: 

        • Clogged air filters: check your AC filter. If it’s too dirty, it can reduce airflow and cause the evaporator coils to freeze up and your unit to stop working. Luckily, replacing the filter is all it takes to solve the issue.  
        • Tripped circuit breaker: your AC may have stopped working due to a circuit breaker tripping and cutting off the power. Check your electrical panel for tripped breakers and if there are any, turn them off and then on again. If it trips again, seek expert help.
        • Obstructed condensate drain: over time, the condenser lines in the outdoor unit may get clogged with debris, mold or algae and your AC will shut down to prevent overflowing and water damage. Use a wet-dry vacuum to clear out any debris and blockages. 
        • Dirty evaporator coils: similarly, dirt and debris can build up on your evaporator coils and make your AC less efficient. Dirty evaporator coils can also cause a breakdown of the entire unit. 
        • Damaged wiring: your air conditioner may have stopped working due to a damaged or broken wire. If you often have issues with the electric appliances in your home, you might be dealing with a wiring issue that needs expert attention.

        Exceptional AC repair Scottsdale, AZ relies on

        While you could fix some of the mentioned AC issues yourself, such as a dirty filter or a clogged drain, most of them are definitely best left to professionals. What’s more, most of the problems listed in this article can be prevented by regular AC servicing and maintenance. 

        Luckily, finding the best HVAC service in the Greater Phoenix Area isn’t hard. Just reach out to Hughes Air and forget all about your air conditioner troubles. Our highly qualified technicians will inspect your unit and make sure it stays in peak condition during the summer months. 

        Not only that but they’ll also tell you all you need to know about using your AC unit properly: should you sleep with the AC on? Is it a good idea to leave the AC on all day? We have all the answers! 

        Reach out to us today!

        Should You Leave Your AC On or Turn It Off?

        August 1, 2019

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          As soon as the summer months begin, we are all tempted to crank up our air conditioners to try and survive the sweltering heat. Still, many of us wonder whether it’s wise to turn the AC on every time we feel a little bit hot if we want to save energy and keep our utility bills in check. 

          While some homeowners seem to believe that turning off their AC while they’re away is the best way to save money, others have heard that their AC is most efficient when it’s going at full blast. So, who’s right?  

          Before we answer that question, we want to add that your AC will be optimally efficient only if it’s properly maintained and regularly serviced, regardless of when you turn it on or off. That’s why you need a top-quality air conditioning repair service in Scottsdale to ensure your AC always works its best. 

          Read on! 

          When should I turn my AC on?

          Staying comfortable during summer without spending a fortune on electricity bills is surely one of the most frequent AC-related struggles, if not the most common one. For a long time, homeowners have relied on the Internet to find solutions that will enable them to use the AC as efficiently as possible. 

          If you’ve ever searched for this kind of advice yourself, you must have come across at least two contradicting ideas that go something like this: 

          • Leaving the AC on at a slightly higher temperature while you’re not home will save you more than turning it off.  
          • Shutting the AC off while you’re away and turning it on at full speed when you want to cool down will ensure maximum efficiency. 

          What should you believe? Well, first you need to understand the reasoning behind these pieces of advice. The former solution is based on the idea that your AC won’t waste energy each time you turn it back on. 

          However, proponents of the latter solution contradict this by claiming that your AC will actually use more energy trying to maintain a consistent temperature level during the day. This is because air conditioning systems perform best and are the most efficient when set to run at full speed. That means that letting your AC work at full blast each time you need cooling down will waste less energy overall than letting it run all day.        

          Is it OK to leave AC on all day?

          While both of these ideas appear to be sensible, the truth actually lies somewhere in the middle. If you simply can’t deal with a stuffy home when you return from work, you just have to know the right way to leave the AC on while you’re out. In fact, there are two useful methods for cutting down your energy bills and staying comfortable during the summer: 

          1. Raise your thermostat settings: ACEEE suggests that your AC will decrease its energy usage by 3-5% with each degree you raise. Set your temperature setting to around 78 °F while you’re away for the highest energy savings.  
          2. Invest in a programmable thermostat: if you want full control over your energy consumption, programmable thermostats allow you to program your AC to adjust to your set temperatures while you’re out, making sure your home is always comfortably cool. 

          Premier air conditioning repair service Scottsdale can’t do without

          Sure, you could cool off at Big Surf during the hottest months of the year, but that doesn’t help if you can’t turn on your AC and enjoy the cool and purified air your AC unit can provide you with.  

          No matter how wise you are about using your air conditioner, you won’t be able to reduce your energy bills if there’s something wrong with your device. By reaching out to the seasoned HVAC technicians at Hughes Air, you’ll make sure your AC is always in peak condition. Contact us today!